Editio ensures your paper has consistent formatting and referencing in your chosen Citation Style such as:
Editio proofreads and edits other Citation Styles only if we have or can obtain the electronic manual of the Client's requested Citation Style. Please supply a style sheet or other document if your Citation Style is not listed above.
If Clients do not request a specific Citation Style, I will use the Style Manual for authors, editors and printers (6th edition, Australian Government).
The Parenthetical Style or In-Text Citations consists of the Name of Author and Year of Publication (Date) or Page.
References cited in the text appear in alphabetical order at the end of the document in a REFERENCE LIST.
The following six Citation Styles use the Author-Date system. I have included the Style Guide or Manual for each of the Citation Styles:
APA * Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
CHICAGO The Chicago Manual of Style
HARVARD Style Manual for authors, editors and printers
MLA ** MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing
OXFORD The Oxford Guide to Style (R.M. Ritter)
TURABIAN A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
* APA (American Psychological Association)
** MLA (Modern Language Association)
The Documentary Style consists of consecutive numbers superscripted within the text and full bibliographic details placed at the bottom of the page (Footnotes) or at the end of document (End Notes).
References cited in the text appear in alphabetical order at the end of the document in a list usually referred to as a BIBLIOGRAPHY.
The following five Citation Styles use the Notes-Bibliography system. The Oxford Style also uses the Author-Title system. I have included the Style Guide or Reference Manual for each of the Citation Styles.
AGLC *** Australian Guide to Legal Citation
CAMBRIDGE information from The University of Melbourne
CHICAGO The Chicago Manual of Style
OXFORD The Oxford Guide to Style (R.M. Ritter)
information from Deakin University
information from The University of Western Australia (see web page - http://guides.is.uwa.edu.au/Oxford)
information from Victoria University (see web page - http://libraryguides.vu.edu.au/oxford-referencing)
TURABIAN A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
*** AGLC (Australian Guide to Legal Citation)
Australian Guide to Legal Citation, Third Edition (you can download the entire book here)
Demystifying Citing and Referencing (Monash University)
Guide to Referencing and Citation (The University of Melbourne)