Transcription of Old Handwriting
Bringing the Past to Life

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Transcribing and Deciphering Old Documents and Handwriting

Do you have a document written in English, Latin, Italian or Middle English requiring deciphering? Are you researching your family history and find documents you can't read? Are you a researcher and historian who needs help in deciphering difficult handwriting? Does your research depends on reading and transcribing a document written in the Secretary Hand from the 16th and 17th centuries? If the answer is yes to these questions, you know it can be very time consuming to transcribe and decipher old handwriting.

Take the hard work out of transcribing and deciphering old handwriting and let Editio do the work for you. Editio has experience transcribing English documents written in the Secretary Hand and other writing systems and also transcribing documents written in Latin and Italian, making it easier and quicker for you to translate the documents.


Do You Have a Document That Looks Like This?

Document in Secretary Hand

We Return Your Document Like This

Transcription of Secretary Hand Document


How to Upload Document

Below is our process for uploading, paying and receiving a transcription of your document:

1.   Upload Document

Please click the button below, complete the form and upload your Document in a good quality JPG format and submit to Editio:

Transcription of
Old Handwriting
Form »

Editio will answer all enquiries within 24 hours.

2.   Price & Quotation

Transcription of Old Handwriting costs A$25.00 per hour.

The final cost depends on the difficulty of reading the document and the complexity of the handwriting.

Clients receive a Free No-Obligation Invoice tailored to their requirements.

3.   PayPal Payment

Payment is required upfront by one of the following methods:

  1. Direct Bank Deposit into our Business Transaction Account
  2. For PayPal payments click button below:

If you're unfamiliar with PayPal, please see my How to Pay With PayPal page for instructions.

A Receipt is issued after payment is received.

4.   How Document is Returned

Transcription of Old Handwriting is completed electronically using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.

Clients will receive their Transcription in a Microsoft Word document with comments. I will also include a PDF version of your document.

Transcription of Old Handwriting usually takes 3 to 5 days to complete for a short document or 1-3 weeks for longer documents.