Proofreading is the final check of your document
before printing, publication or submission


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Please press blue upload icon above and complete form *

Transcription costs A$4.00 per 100 words

$0.01 per word

Our price listed upfront **

PayPal Payment

PayPal Payment

Please press blue PayPal icon above and you will taken to our Payment page

Academic Editing usually takes 1 day to complete

1 to 3 Days to Complete

Completed Document returned with Track Changes showing ***


Proofreading Eliminates Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation Mistakes for Perfect Documents

Proofreading is an essential part of reviewing documents and correcting any mistakes prior to publication, whether it is a novel, resume, thesis or business plan. You have worked on your document for a long time but you're not sure if there are still errors remaining. It is impossible to find your own mistakes. What you need is a proofreader who will read your document and find all those small mistakes you swear had been removed.

Proofreading is your "second pair of eyes". As an experienced proofreader, I impart a fresh pair of eyes over your work and pick up the small mistakes that endless readings have missed. Choose this service if you are satisfied with the quality of your writing but require a final check of your document.


Proofreading tasks performed

Proofreading Tasks Performed


Send Us Your Document

Please see our Submit Document web page for full details of our process. If you have any questions, please contact Claudia on 0498 684 361 and speak personally with your editor and proofreader to discuss your requirements.

If you are a business with on-going proofreading requirements, please see our Business Editing web page.

Our Proofreading Services handles a large number of documents in areas such as: computer science, education, economics, information systems, medicine, nursing, engineering, energy & climate change research, blogging, philosophy and criminology.


* Theses, abstracts, conference papers, dissertations, journal articles, lecture notes, monographs, research papers and scholarly books are not eligible for our Proofreading Service due to the large amount of work involved. Please see our Academic Editing or Thesis Editing pages for services covering these document types.

** The Minimum Charge is $20.00

*** The turnaround for document completion depends on my current workload