Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions about Editio's Services

Does Editio provide free proofreading and editing samples?

Editio does not provide free proofreading and editing samples. As a professional services company we cannot give away our services for free. We provide sample editing for Books and Theses at a 10% discount.

How does Editio perform on-screen Proofreading and Editing?

Editio uses Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature for proofreading and editing services.

The Client will receive a corrected Microsoft Word copy of their Document displaying all the Track Changes. Comments, suggestions or queries will be displayed and inserted in balloons on the right hand margin of document.

It is the Client's responsibility to either reject or accept changes. Corrections will be shown in red on the screen.

While IPED and The University of Melbourne advise that it is preferable to return theses marked up electronically in PDF format, Editio will return them in Word format with Track Changes showing. Editio will keep all marked up versions of the thesis.

How do I count the number of words in my Microsoft Word Document?

Clients can check the word count of their document and know exactly what to pay for the service required. Please check out our "Word Count in Microsoft Word" document for an explanation of how "word count" works.

What is the difference between Proofreading, Copy Editing and Substantive Editing?

Editio has produced two documents that explain the differences between these services:

What references does Editio use to Proofread and Edit documents?

Editio uses a number of references, including dictionaries and grammar books to proofread and edit documents:

  • Australian Handbook for Writers and Editors (Margaret McKenzie)
  • Australian Standards for Editing Practice (2nd edition) (a publication of IPED or Institute of Professional Editors Limited)
  • Style Manual for authors, editors and printers (6th edition, Australian Government)
  • The Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary
  • The Australian Editing Handbook (3rd edition, Elizabeth Flann & Beryl Hill)
  • The Cambridge Guide to Australian English Usage (Pam Peters)
  • References on writing, punctuation, grammar, spelling, word usage and citing and referencing found on our Resources page.
What tasks does Editio perform for the Proofreading, Copy Editing and Substantive Editing services?

Editio's list of tasks for the Proofreading, Copy Editing and Substantive Editing services are based mainly on the following references:

  • Style Manual for authors, editors and printers (Australian Government)
  • IPED resources

Please note that I have listed the tasks different to the above references.

What does Editio not do?

Editio does not perform the following:

  • Write Essays or Theses for Students (please check our Plagiarism & Collusion page)
  • Transcribe Audio Tapes
  • Write Resumes, Curriculum Vitae and Application Letters
  • Obtain Permissions for Copyright Materials
  • Proofread or edit LaTex documents
  • Proofread and edit PDF documents at this time
Is it safe to send documents via EmailMeForm?

Editio uses the services of EmailMeForm, a company based in the U.S.A., to host our online forms.

EmailMeForm enables SSL encryption for user's forms. Please visit their website for further information.

Why does Editio require the whole document to be sent with their forms?

Editio requires a thorough check of the whole document to determine accurately the amount and complexity of work required before issuing an quotation.

If the client accepts the invoice and remits payment, then Editio can commence work on the document immediately.

Should academic documents already have References and Bibliography in the Client's preferred Citation Style?

Editio assumes that any Document requiring proofreading and editing services already has references, bibliography or footnotes throughout the document in the Client's preferred Citation Style.

Editio can only check that references appear in the correct format according to the nominated Citation Style.

Clients are reminded that Editio does not have access to the original research so cannot place references or footnotes in a document.

What expertise does Editio have?

Editio is experienced in the Arts and Humanities areas:

  • Ancient Egyptian History
  • Ancient Greek History
  • Ancient Greek Literature
  • Ancient Roman History
  • Archaeology
  • Australian History
  • Classical Studies
  • English Literature
  • French History
  • Italian History
  • Latin Language & Literature
  • Medieval History
  • Mesopotamian History
  • Palaeography (English & Latin)

What languages does Editio Proofread and Edit?

Editio proofreads and edits documents in the following languages:

  • English
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Middle English (Chaucer)
Does Editio keep Personal Information on the website?

Editio does not keep any personal information on the website.


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